Thursday, December 11, 2008


So my friend Leslie wants to create a band. I say: why not? I've wanted to for the longest time. Of course, my instrument of choice is obviously the synthesizer. Think how cool I'd be jammin' out on that. Yeah, that's what I thought--pretty darn. I know just the perfect songs to transpose, too! Behold, the glory of Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles 4: Turtles in Time (though if I recall correctly, there wasn't even ever a TNMT 3... > o> )!!! Released on the SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System, for those of you poor, sad people who didn't know that) in some year, this game became an instant classic in mine and Courtney's life! Although we never actually owned an SNES, one of our best friends and co-conspirator Colby Hall (although he actually goes by J.C. now, I always grew up knowing him as Colby) owned one and we played this game often. This and his Power Rangers game. Boy, were we cool. Still are, but, y'know. I strongly recommend the game and I can most certainly hook you up with an emulated version--don't hesitate to ask! So without further ado, a playlist for your enjoyment!

(Press the B button to play!)

Music Playlist at


Maureen Elizabeth said...

AGH! Stacey why does your music sound like its from Howl's Moving Castle? haha I like it!