Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Screenname Woes

So lately I've been thinking I really need a good screenname (for games). I came to this realization when I played Team Fortress 2 at Danny and Lachelle's and when I went to our cousin Halo party last night. I need something that sounds cool, slightly intimidating, yet still somehow captures a bit of me. So I need help from ya'll! And so I'm adding a poll with possible ones I've thought of but am not too sure about. So please vote? Or make suggestions! But it can't tie back to me too much. Maybe even something that kinda implies that I'm a girl, that way the guys will know a girl just kicked their trash? I dunno. xD Thank ye loves!


BiG 10 said...

There needs to be an option in your poll for "None of the above"

cheerlubber said...

That's what the "How 'bout sumthin' else" is for. And you're supposed to give me a suggestion.

Jasmine said...

okay... your cousin bryon likes :


Will think of more and let you know. Good luck!