Oops, haven't posted for a while... > o>
I was meaning to come back with a more substantial post, but I just really enjoyed this video and thought I'd share. xDD
Proud of you, little kid.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I've Got Mail!
I wish there was a "Clean House" type-deal with email inboxes.
I have 1083 unread messages.
I am avoiding going through them like the plague.
I used to be so good at keeping up with it. I remember when I used to look over my noobish mother's shoulder to see her cluttered Yahoo email with 700/800/whatever emails and scoffing; "I can keep things neat and tidy in my inbox. It's easy."
Yeeeah no. Someone come do it for me! -pouts-
I have 1083 unread messages.
I am avoiding going through them like the plague.
I used to be so good at keeping up with it. I remember when I used to look over my noobish mother's shoulder to see her cluttered Yahoo email with 700/800/whatever emails and scoffing; "I can keep things neat and tidy in my inbox. It's easy."
Yeeeah no. Someone come do it for me! -pouts-
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
To: Laura McRae
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
O hai
Hmm, it's been a while. Well, better now than 6 months down the road.
One of my friends asked me a few weeks ago, "Why haven't you updated your blog?" I said, "blarrggghhhblakjshdaksjndakjsbda." Actually, I don't remember exactly what I said. But basically, I'm a lazy butt. I have ideas for some posts I want to do but haven't gotten around to writing them yet. She told me, "You don't have to write essays every time. As a matter of fact, I tend to skip through essays. Just write a little blurb about your life."


Just a short little post about my life? And be like every other little boring blog out there? "Today I made cupcakes! Aren't I such a domestic diva? Yayyy! Now compliment me on how they look so yummy!" /end post
As Steve Nash would say, "Pfft, no thanks!"
Yeah, that really motivates me to update my blog because you asked me to. >:P

Anyway, those forthcoming posts I mentioned won't be here for another while, so you'll just have to make do with this for today since it agitated me enough today to consider making it a post.
So my manager had it turned to smooth jazz again today. No, my boss was not out of town. I'm surprised he hadn't changed it all day. As much as smooth jazz grates on my nerves, I have a sort of odd soft spot for it at the same time. I don't know how that makes sense. Maybe it's because when it's on, it reminds me of the good ol' days when my mom would take me to run errands with her and we'd go to furniture stores, model homes, or old lady clothing stores. Also, when it comes on, sometimes I like to be a dork and pretend to get jiggy with it. I like smooth jazz because it's something I can laugh at.
So I remarked about the station to one of my co-workers and she said, "Oh yeah, we'll definitely change it when Lynette leaves." So my manager leaves shortly and they go back to change the station and what do they turn it to? COUNTRY.
I didn't have anything to laugh at anymore. It completely ruined my work day. Now all I could do was suck it up and fume silently, trying to sing better songs in my head while the country blares all around me. Country is bad enough, but when you start hearing the same song you heard two hours ago, it's even worse. It's like 96.9, but country.

(sorry about the gif spam, but they're just too much fun~)
Just for kicks, you can check out what I have been listening to lately:
(I'm in love with Beenzino, btw [3rd rapper])
That is all for now.
P.S. Google Translate won't give you the correct translation--will I ever tell? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~
One of my friends asked me a few weeks ago, "Why haven't you updated your blog?" I said, "blarrggghhhblakjshdaksjndakjsbda." Actually, I don't remember exactly what I said. But basically, I'm a lazy butt. I have ideas for some posts I want to do but haven't gotten around to writing them yet. She told me, "You don't have to write essays every time. As a matter of fact, I tend to skip through essays. Just write a little blurb about your life."
Just a short little post about my life? And be like every other little boring blog out there? "Today I made cupcakes! Aren't I such a domestic diva? Yayyy! Now compliment me on how they look so yummy!" /end post
As Steve Nash would say, "Pfft, no thanks!"
Yeah, that really motivates me to update my blog because you asked me to. >:P
Anyway, those forthcoming posts I mentioned won't be here for another while, so you'll just have to make do with this for today since it agitated me enough today to consider making it a post.
So my manager had it turned to smooth jazz again today. No, my boss was not out of town. I'm surprised he hadn't changed it all day. As much as smooth jazz grates on my nerves, I have a sort of odd soft spot for it at the same time. I don't know how that makes sense. Maybe it's because when it's on, it reminds me of the good ol' days when my mom would take me to run errands with her and we'd go to furniture stores, model homes, or old lady clothing stores. Also, when it comes on, sometimes I like to be a dork and pretend to get jiggy with it. I like smooth jazz because it's something I can laugh at.
So I remarked about the station to one of my co-workers and she said, "Oh yeah, we'll definitely change it when Lynette leaves." So my manager leaves shortly and they go back to change the station and what do they turn it to? COUNTRY.
I didn't have anything to laugh at anymore. It completely ruined my work day. Now all I could do was suck it up and fume silently, trying to sing better songs in my head while the country blares all around me. Country is bad enough, but when you start hearing the same song you heard two hours ago, it's even worse. It's like 96.9, but country.
(sorry about the gif spam, but they're just too much fun~)
Just for kicks, you can check out what I have been listening to lately:
(I'm in love with Beenzino, btw [3rd rapper])
That is all for now.
P.S. Google Translate won't give you the correct translation--will I ever tell? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~
Thursday, March 24, 2011
My Little War Pony~
Ahh, My Little Pony~ I know it started showing before I was born, but I remember catching a few episodes here and there. Mostly, I remember playing with my sisters' My Little Pony toys. I remember taking them into the bath a lot. They were those rubbery plastic kinds that you could squeeze and they had fake hair. One of my bath favorites was a slate blue one because her tail had disappeared and all that was left was a little hole in her bum. We'd stick her under the water, fill her up, and squirt the water out of the hole...hahahahahaha, good times...
Side thought here: don't you ever miss taking toys into the bath with you? I never really did until I thought about it just now...of course I don't really have many bath-friendly toys anymore, but if I did, I would definitely take a nice soak in the tub with them, bahahaha. xD
I've only been to As You Wish once, but I remember seeing a little unicorn figurine you could paint. I ended up choosing a robot bank at the time, but my mind always wanders back to that little unicorn. Next time I go, I'm going to make a My Little Pony. Yes. And I'm very excited. The trouble is I can't decide how I would want to design it. I just might have to make a whole little army of them! 8D
All this talk of My Little Pony was inspired by this gem I came across the other day:
Um, can I just say, yes please? How amazing would this have been? I'm sure people would've taken My Little Pony a lot more seriously if this came to be. If that's not disturbing enough for you then might I suggest giving this a try:
Aren't they just adorable? After all, Four Horseman--makes sense, right? I think they should go into production. I was going to say, "They'd be better than these atrocities" and show you a pic of the My Little Pony redux toys, but I looked them up and they're actually not half bad. It's these ones you want to worry about:
Littlest Pet Shop. I'm sorry, but I just don't really dig the whole giant head, giant droopy eyes look. The original Littlest Pet Shop animals (which I still have, btw, LOL) were way better.
Oh, and don't even get me started on the Polly Pocket redux. Snap on clothes? How stupid. Barbie does dress-up better. What ever happened to the teeny people you stuck into holes? One could argue that they enlarged them due to choking hazards, but these new toys don't look any safer to me. Look at the small size of those shoes! Unacceptable. They don't even fit the name now, either. They should have branded it as an entirely new franchise. Yeah, good luck sticking these Polly Pockets and their entire houses in your pocket. Original was better (...which, I also still have, btw...lolololol...).
Ah, nostalgia~
Side thought here: don't you ever miss taking toys into the bath with you? I never really did until I thought about it just now...of course I don't really have many bath-friendly toys anymore, but if I did, I would definitely take a nice soak in the tub with them, bahahaha. xD
I've only been to As You Wish once, but I remember seeing a little unicorn figurine you could paint. I ended up choosing a robot bank at the time, but my mind always wanders back to that little unicorn. Next time I go, I'm going to make a My Little Pony. Yes. And I'm very excited. The trouble is I can't decide how I would want to design it. I just might have to make a whole little army of them! 8D
All this talk of My Little Pony was inspired by this gem I came across the other day:
Great Comics That Never Happened
Jack Kirby's My Little Pony #7 (June-July, 1985)
Story by Chris Sims
Art by Tom Scioli
Um, can I just say, yes please? How amazing would this have been? I'm sure people would've taken My Little Pony a lot more seriously if this came to be. If that's not disturbing enough for you then might I suggest giving this a try:
Aren't they just adorable? After all, Four Horseman--makes sense, right? I think they should go into production. I was going to say, "They'd be better than these atrocities" and show you a pic of the My Little Pony redux toys, but I looked them up and they're actually not half bad. It's these ones you want to worry about:
Littlest Pet Shop. I'm sorry, but I just don't really dig the whole giant head, giant droopy eyes look. The original Littlest Pet Shop animals (which I still have, btw, LOL) were way better.
Oh, and don't even get me started on the Polly Pocket redux. Snap on clothes? How stupid. Barbie does dress-up better. What ever happened to the teeny people you stuck into holes? One could argue that they enlarged them due to choking hazards, but these new toys don't look any safer to me. Look at the small size of those shoes! Unacceptable. They don't even fit the name now, either. They should have branded it as an entirely new franchise. Yeah, good luck sticking these Polly Pockets and their entire houses in your pocket. Original was better (...which, I also still have, btw...lolololol...).
Ah, nostalgia~
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Kay Whyy Ohhhhhhh Teeeeeeee
Wha--what is this? Another post? In the same week? What's wrong with me?! :0
Oh yeah, it's Spring Break and I'm bored out of my mind.
Whelp, you can tell my boss is out of town because my manager has had the radio station turned to 95.5, i.e., KYOT, a.k.a smooth jazz station. Normally I'd puke at such a thought...but KYOT has changed. I wouldn't know when the change happened, but now there's a smooth jazz song about every six songs and--I can't believe I'm saying this--it's tolerable. The music is still "chill" music, but they play a lot more vocal songs now, and a few oldies. I-I actually didn't mind listening to it as I worked.
Actually, I think more than anything, it reflects on how awful the rest of the radio stations in the Phoenix area are. Usually at work, the only stations playing are 99.9, 98.7, or a country station (GAG). I am absolutely sick of all those stations. Positively, absolutely have had it with them. Just thinking about them now gets me worked up and makes me all annoyed-feeling. If they had faces, I would punch them. Every once in a while after everyone else leaves, I'll turn it to 94.5. Yay oldies~ But even that station has changed a bit. Rather than "KOOL Oldies," it's "Arizona's Greatest Hits," so now they include 80s songs. I am not okay with that, because they're all the same 80s songs you hear on 99.9 and 98.7 anyway. No good 80s New Wave songs or anything like that--Journey and crap. Ugh. They still mostly stick to oldies, but the whole reason I don't like listening to 99.9 and 98.7 is because I'm trying to get away from all those same songs. Playing those songs is their deal, so stick to the oldies, 94.5. That's what makes you unique. I feel that 99.9 and 98.7 are stations for middle-aged people to listen to to try and still pretend they're young and who still think they're kinda cool.
Sometimes if I'm working with a certain girl, she will change it to 101.5 or some other young-ish station. I try not to, because the songs are not always appropriate for our demographic in a bread store. But whatevs. I didn't mind it at first, until they repeatedly played the same songs twice in the same hour. If you want to play the same song in the same day, whatever--just wait at least two hours, please. Some of us are stuck with the same station the whole work day.
Unfortunately, since the change, I don't think KYOT has the deep voice saying "Kay Whyy Ohhhhh Teeeeeee" anymore. :'c Whenever I think of smooth jazz, I think of this commercial now.
Oh yeah, it's Spring Break and I'm bored out of my mind.
Whelp, you can tell my boss is out of town because my manager has had the radio station turned to 95.5, i.e., KYOT, a.k.a smooth jazz station. Normally I'd puke at such a thought...but KYOT has changed. I wouldn't know when the change happened, but now there's a smooth jazz song about every six songs and--I can't believe I'm saying this--it's tolerable. The music is still "chill" music, but they play a lot more vocal songs now, and a few oldies. I-I actually didn't mind listening to it as I worked.
Actually, I think more than anything, it reflects on how awful the rest of the radio stations in the Phoenix area are. Usually at work, the only stations playing are 99.9, 98.7, or a country station (GAG). I am absolutely sick of all those stations. Positively, absolutely have had it with them. Just thinking about them now gets me worked up and makes me all annoyed-feeling. If they had faces, I would punch them. Every once in a while after everyone else leaves, I'll turn it to 94.5. Yay oldies~ But even that station has changed a bit. Rather than "KOOL Oldies," it's "Arizona's Greatest Hits," so now they include 80s songs. I am not okay with that, because they're all the same 80s songs you hear on 99.9 and 98.7 anyway. No good 80s New Wave songs or anything like that--Journey and crap. Ugh. They still mostly stick to oldies, but the whole reason I don't like listening to 99.9 and 98.7 is because I'm trying to get away from all those same songs. Playing those songs is their deal, so stick to the oldies, 94.5. That's what makes you unique. I feel that 99.9 and 98.7 are stations for middle-aged people to listen to to try and still pretend they're young and who still think they're kinda cool.
Sometimes if I'm working with a certain girl, she will change it to 101.5 or some other young-ish station. I try not to, because the songs are not always appropriate for our demographic in a bread store. But whatevs. I didn't mind it at first, until they repeatedly played the same songs twice in the same hour. If you want to play the same song in the same day, whatever--just wait at least two hours, please. Some of us are stuck with the same station the whole work day.
Unfortunately, since the change, I don't think KYOT has the deep voice saying "Kay Whyy Ohhhhh Teeeeeee" anymore. :'c Whenever I think of smooth jazz, I think of this commercial now.
Monday, March 14, 2011
I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
And I have no privacy, whoa-oa-oa~
Kind of a-feared for my life right now. It's always a little unnerving to find out someone's been keeping tabs on your insignificant little life, no?
Alright, so it's honestly not that bad. But to think that someone felt a little threatened by one or two teeny little things that they saw? Wow. I know even the best of us Facebook stalk a little every once in a while, but I never thought I was important or seemingly interesting enough to be a stalkee.
Also, I think I forget all too often that sometimes what you post on someone else's wall will show up on a completely different person's feed...AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO.
O AO ゚ Д ゚
(y'see? they're faces with their mouths open!)
Some people, I honestly wouldn't mind if they saw or not. But those people are actually cool, and unfortunately few in number. And it's too much work to hide certain things from 15/16ths of your "friends" on Facebook. Siiiiiiiiigh. ( ̄~ ̄ ) Hmmm, hope you can decipher that face...
As much as I love Mesa, sometimes I wish it wasn't so........Mesa-ish. C'mon people, expand your thoughts, broaden your horizons! Exercise imagination! It's probably one of God's greatest gifts to us! Having a crappy day? Tch, not after you've imagined yourself riding through a field of lollipops on a magical robot unicorn, laughing at all the silly people that have offended you in some way or another dressed like little Keebler elves as you ride by them with rainbows trailing behind you!
What prompts me to say this? Well, for one, having to explain the little emoticons I sometimes make. The average person is so woefully afflicted with the limited knowledge of only these painfully boring and predictable emoticons: :) :( ;) There are other reasons too, but I won't delve into them right now--this was just supposed to be a short, quick post about stalkers! Anyway, I'm not saying that all those who come across this blog lack imagination--it's just that I've grown accustomed to having to explain so many things to people, as a result of the environment I've grown up in. I suppose it's sad how little faith I have in people sometimes, but where do such opinions come from? Experience. Too much of it. I just wish people could think and ponder and muse about things sometimes. Our society is so used to instant gratification. It's hard for people to come to their own logical conclusions. Anything unfamiliar and foreign to them is instantly deemed "weird." People don't try to look from other people's perspective and speculate why it is the way it is.
Or maybe I'm just too analytical.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I Belieb in a Thing Called Henry
I meant to post this yesterday, dangit! Why? Because March 1st is Justin Bieber's birthday! 8D
Say whaaaaaat?
I actually am NOT a fan, belieb it or not (sorry sorry, couldn't help myself xD ). I mean, I guess the kid's got talent. But he's blown a little bit out or proportion. Still, as apathetic as I am toward him, I do admit that the fanclub name makes me lol: Beliebers. And I do kind of like his "Somebody to Love" song, but that's only because he was lucky enough to get a good producer. And "Baby Baby" is alright too...but really only when performed by this guy: <3
That, my friends, is Henry Lau. Isn't he just adorable? Now this is one talented kid (okayyy, so maybe he's 21...). Reasons why I love Henry and you should too:
He can sing
He can dance
He can play piano
He's amazing on the violin
He's from Canada (lolololol)
He's cute
He's Asian
Oh hohohohoho~ Alright alright, I'm being silly. But really. Just thought I'd share. For those of you who don't know, Henry Lau is in a boyband (don't judge me) called Super Junior-M; it is a sub-group (it can be a bit complicated to explain, but I shall if you so desire) of the Korean boyband Super Junior (don't worry, I still chuckle at the name too, but that doesn't mean I don't love them), and is designated with the "M" because they sing in Mandarin and actively promote in China and Taiwan. Yeeeah, their entertainment company is pretty ambitious. They're infiltrating all of Asia. Pretty soon, they'll reach the whole world! :0 DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Not that I'm complaining. ;D Here's Henry playing the violin:
He can also dance while he plays, but I couldn't really find any good .gifs showing that. :\ I prolly wouldn't have normally made a post all about Henry (well...then again...), but that clip of him singing "Baby Baby" was pretty recent, so that's what prompted this. c:
As an interesting sidenote, an ex-member of Super Junior-M, Han Geng, was one of the torch bearers for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the first boyband member to be chosen in history. Now ain't that interesting? I'm sad he's not in Super Junior anymore, but I won't go into that story...
Before I go, for your listening pleasure, here is a song by Henry released on Super Junior-M's latest album that came out about a week ago. You've probably never listened to a song in Mandarin before, but give it a try.
Say whaaaaaat?
I actually am NOT a fan, belieb it or not (sorry sorry, couldn't help myself xD ). I mean, I guess the kid's got talent. But he's blown a little bit out or proportion. Still, as apathetic as I am toward him, I do admit that the fanclub name makes me lol: Beliebers. And I do kind of like his "Somebody to Love" song, but that's only because he was lucky enough to get a good producer. And "Baby Baby" is alright too...but really only when performed by this guy: <3
That, my friends, is Henry Lau. Isn't he just adorable? Now this is one talented kid (okayyy, so maybe he's 21...). Reasons why I love Henry and you should too:
He can sing
He can dance
He can play piano
He's amazing on the violin
He's from Canada (lolololol)
He's cute
He's Asian
Oh hohohohoho~ Alright alright, I'm being silly. But really. Just thought I'd share. For those of you who don't know, Henry Lau is in a boyband (don't judge me) called Super Junior-M; it is a sub-group (it can be a bit complicated to explain, but I shall if you so desire) of the Korean boyband Super Junior (don't worry, I still chuckle at the name too, but that doesn't mean I don't love them), and is designated with the "M" because they sing in Mandarin and actively promote in China and Taiwan. Yeeeah, their entertainment company is pretty ambitious. They're infiltrating all of Asia. Pretty soon, they'll reach the whole world! :0 DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Not that I'm complaining. ;D Here's Henry playing the violin:
He can also dance while he plays, but I couldn't really find any good .gifs showing that. :\ I prolly wouldn't have normally made a post all about Henry (well...then again...), but that clip of him singing "Baby Baby" was pretty recent, so that's what prompted this. c:
As an interesting sidenote, an ex-member of Super Junior-M, Han Geng, was one of the torch bearers for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the first boyband member to be chosen in history. Now ain't that interesting? I'm sad he's not in Super Junior anymore, but I won't go into that story...
Before I go, for your listening pleasure, here is a song by Henry released on Super Junior-M's latest album that came out about a week ago. You've probably never listened to a song in Mandarin before, but give it a try.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Blog a Blog
Y'know, like the DDR song "Dream a Dream"? Eh? Eh? No...? D;
If I remember right, someone once told me I came up with great titles for posts. I've felt I had to live up to that ever since. Alas, I am here to tell you...I have failed miserably. I'm sorry I'm not witty all the time. It's hard. It's not something you have much control over. Apologies.
Moving on, I'm curious as to what the general populace thinks of blogs. I was talking with two friends the other day and they both dislike blogs because they think they are vain displays. I didn't say anything because I [barely] have a blog myself (I don't know if they remember that or not...) so I just listened to their opinions. I'm not sure I'd have to agree. I'm not sure I fully disagree, either. They tire of when bloggers post pictures of every single thing they do, and I concur--it is a little ridiculous. I don't want to see five pictures all from different angles of a boring plate of chocolate chip cookies you just made! One friend expressed her continuing frustration for fashion blogs (flashionogs? Ah hah hah, lame attempt). I can understand that. They're almost kind of nice in that they can show us pitiful nonfashionables how to make something out of nothing (so they say--but then they also have a wardrobe twice the size of mine). But to take a picture of your cute little outfits errday? ...I think you're just rubbing it in my face at that point...
; ~; While on the topic of flashionogs...please look forward to an upcoming joint project between my friend and I... B]
Alright--I'll admit--I personally like blogs. I do like having one. Does that therefore make me vain? Maybe. You tell me. I like it because it's a platform where I can express myself. In high school, maybe the only places I expressed myself was at home and online forums. Then Facebook came around and I let myself out a little more. Then I decided to get a blog. How cliché of me. I almost feel silly having one sometimes. Blogs are a popular thing. Many times, I frown upon popular things. I can't always articulate why many popular things displease me, but the fact is they do. I am not non-conformist just to be non-conformist, however, and I hate when people assume that. Notice I said "many popular things" and not "all popular things." A blog to me is like a journal, though much less personal. There are things I write in my journal that I wouldn't put on a blog; there are things I write on my blog that I wouldn't write in my journal. A blog is also where I post ramblings and opinions that I couldn't be bothered to explain in real life. I also like sharing things, whether it be an interesting new bit of information I learned (such as Sentinel Island, yet to be contacted by the modern world), a funny video, or some music I listen to. Maybe it's because I'm a writer that I like to write in (on?) a blog. It sounds silly to say it, but my blog is a piece of me. Who doesn't like sharing yourself with others? I, for one, am sick of hiding as much as I used to all the time (not saying I'm still divulging everything here, oh hohohoho~). Again, is that vain? Is it vain to show people your true colors? I don't know. If you come across me once in person, you'd probably have no significant impression of me. If you look me up on Facebook, you might see some weird pictures of me dressed like a little boy. But if you look up my blog, you'd see (hopefully?) that I'm still a [mostly]normal sane person with a complex personality. Yes, I'm telling you about my personality. That's not vain at all, ha. But the fact is, I'm still trying to dissect it and figure it out myself; please bear with me.
In the same vein, I also do enjoy reading other people's blogs. Of course...only certain people. I can see how my friends dislike blogs because they've been exposed to some (excuse me) bad ones. I think your opinion on blogs really depends on whose blogs you're reading. I like reading good blogs because they allow me to see more depth to that person. Now they're more than just a pretty or weird picture on Facebook. I don't have to Facebook-stalk someone and make inferences if they have a blog. I can see what's going on in their life more than Facebook lets on, because I'm also getting more of their feelings. People don't always like throwing everything out on Facebook because it can show to all their "friends." Only people who truly care and are interested will look up their blog (that is, if they have one). I like reading about others' opinions and I like reading about their quirks. What can I say--people interest me. It's just nice to know that not everyone is two-dimensional all the time, y'know?
So I suppose those are my thoughts on blogs. For now, at least. They might change, they might grow. Anyway. Care to share your thoughts?
I'm going to go give my stinky dog a bath.
(P.S. I think our VCR (lol!) is possessed... >_____> )
If I remember right, someone once told me I came up with great titles for posts. I've felt I had to live up to that ever since. Alas, I am here to tell you...I have failed miserably. I'm sorry I'm not witty all the time. It's hard. It's not something you have much control over. Apologies.
Moving on, I'm curious as to what the general populace thinks of blogs. I was talking with two friends the other day and they both dislike blogs because they think they are vain displays. I didn't say anything because I [barely] have a blog myself (I don't know if they remember that or not...) so I just listened to their opinions. I'm not sure I'd have to agree. I'm not sure I fully disagree, either. They tire of when bloggers post pictures of every single thing they do, and I concur--it is a little ridiculous. I don't want to see five pictures all from different angles of a boring plate of chocolate chip cookies you just made! One friend expressed her continuing frustration for fashion blogs (flashionogs? Ah hah hah, lame attempt). I can understand that. They're almost kind of nice in that they can show us pitiful nonfashionables how to make something out of nothing (so they say--but then they also have a wardrobe twice the size of mine). But to take a picture of your cute little outfits errday? ...I think you're just rubbing it in my face at that point...
; ~; While on the topic of flashionogs...please look forward to an upcoming joint project between my friend and I... B]
Alright--I'll admit--I personally like blogs. I do like having one. Does that therefore make me vain? Maybe. You tell me. I like it because it's a platform where I can express myself. In high school, maybe the only places I expressed myself was at home and online forums. Then Facebook came around and I let myself out a little more. Then I decided to get a blog. How cliché of me. I almost feel silly having one sometimes. Blogs are a popular thing. Many times, I frown upon popular things. I can't always articulate why many popular things displease me, but the fact is they do. I am not non-conformist just to be non-conformist, however, and I hate when people assume that. Notice I said "many popular things" and not "all popular things." A blog to me is like a journal, though much less personal. There are things I write in my journal that I wouldn't put on a blog; there are things I write on my blog that I wouldn't write in my journal. A blog is also where I post ramblings and opinions that I couldn't be bothered to explain in real life. I also like sharing things, whether it be an interesting new bit of information I learned (such as Sentinel Island, yet to be contacted by the modern world), a funny video, or some music I listen to. Maybe it's because I'm a writer that I like to write in (on?) a blog. It sounds silly to say it, but my blog is a piece of me. Who doesn't like sharing yourself with others? I, for one, am sick of hiding as much as I used to all the time (not saying I'm still divulging everything here, oh hohohoho~). Again, is that vain? Is it vain to show people your true colors? I don't know. If you come across me once in person, you'd probably have no significant impression of me. If you look me up on Facebook, you might see some weird pictures of me dressed like a little boy. But if you look up my blog, you'd see (hopefully?) that I'm still a [mostly]
In the same vein, I also do enjoy reading other people's blogs. Of course...only certain people. I can see how my friends dislike blogs because they've been exposed to some (excuse me) bad ones. I think your opinion on blogs really depends on whose blogs you're reading. I like reading good blogs because they allow me to see more depth to that person. Now they're more than just a pretty or weird picture on Facebook. I don't have to Facebook-stalk someone and make inferences if they have a blog. I can see what's going on in their life more than Facebook lets on, because I'm also getting more of their feelings. People don't always like throwing everything out on Facebook because it can show to all their "friends." Only people who truly care and are interested will look up their blog (that is, if they have one). I like reading about others' opinions and I like reading about their quirks. What can I say--people interest me. It's just nice to know that not everyone is two-dimensional all the time, y'know?
So I suppose those are my thoughts on blogs. For now, at least. They might change, they might grow. Anyway. Care to share your thoughts?
I'm going to go give my stinky dog a bath.
(P.S. I think our VCR (lol!) is possessed... >_____> )
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